Thursday, June 6, 2019

Ana- fericirea sta in lucruri simple

Simplitate... Copilarie... Fericirea sta in lucruri simple...Trebuie doar sa ne deschidem sufletul...
Ana a fost creata cu dragoste, pentru a aduce bucurie in jocul inocentei si copilariei.

Gingasie, tandrete, in alb, dantela de bumbac, broderie manuala si flori de marar...ochi senini si pistrui. Aceasta este Ana :).


Monday, June 3, 2019

Luli and the orange nasturtium

Meet Luli. He is a 40 cm little fellow, he likes summer, orange juice and, most of all, nasturtium. These are beautiful flowers, that grow like crazy in our garden, and Luli likes to water them and to tell them stories.

 Today we went outside, in the garden, and Luli went running and playing with the flowers. I took the chance to photoshoot him, so here are some photos of him :) :)

 How beautiful the sky is! And how magical it is to be a child, all your life!


Lara and her tiny friends

Meet Lara and her two tiny friends. They are ready to go into a new adventure, to travel far away in order to arrive to their new home. ...