Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Meet Lulu.

A tiny doll (25 cm tall) with a great heart.

Innocent and pure.

Loves to play outside in the garden.

Fond of little birds, cats and dogs. She laughs often and is always merry and bright.

~ ~ ~ She will be a best friend forever ~ ~ ~

She likes pinecones, autumn and apple pie.

Always speaks the truth, in the most delicate and empathic way - she looks in your eyes and gives you reasons to trust the world.

...my favourite pinecone...

...now she's being serious...

...out in the garden, enjoying a beautiful autumn day...

Lulu taught me to love autumn and to always speak the truth, while showing compassion and empathy.
Thank you, my beloved one!

Wish you all a magical autumn!

Yours truly,

Sunday, October 20, 2019


She is Allegra.

Powerful and complete. 

Very sensitive, a bit shy and perceptive.
 She has developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others.
She will be your best friend forever.

Always follow your intuition,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lillian - have courage and be kind

She is Lillian. Although he's only 25 cm tall, she has a big heart, filled with kindness. And she has a message for us all:
"Have courage and be kind!"

Today I have three words in my heart: courage, compassion, connection. And Lillian will help me share them to you all :)

Have a blessed day,

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Oliver loves autumn. He likes to go outside and play with the yellow and red leaves, to wander into the forrest, to feel the crisp air and the wonderful smells of autumn.

His mommy always allows him to go outside and play. She dresses him with comfy linen pants, so that he can climb a tree, run with the dog or jump as high as he can. Then granny made him a warn woll sweater and a little hat - come on, cold wind, I am not afraid of you!

Little hand embroidery, to bear mommy's love and tenderness...

 From his adventures, he always brings home little treasures...a pine cone, a little branch...

Sometimes the treasures he finds are too big to be brought home...like this magic old lamp.

Let's take a photo!

Hmmm, this corner is magic! I have to bring my friends here!

What I learned from meeting Oliver? That every day counts, and that we can make everyday special. He tells me that this is his message to all the kids: go outside and play! The great outdoors awaits!

So, lets go outside!

Bine ai venit, August! ~ Curgere cu anotimpurile~

Știu.  Au trecut 4 ani de când nu am mai scris aici. Ani lungi și totuși scurți, plini și uluitori, ani din viața mea.  Cărarea se așterne, ...