Sunday, December 8, 2019

Karli & little Pip

Meet Karli and her little baby, Pip.
They are sweet and gentle souls, that bring joy and happiness everywhere around them.
Always in a good mood, Karli likes to tell stories and to sing lullabies to little Pip- she promotes gentle parenting and playful happiness.
With no other words...Karli and Pip:


Tuesday, December 3, 2019


"When you see mushrooms in a circle, that means that fairies are nearby".

She is Medeea, a little doll in love with mushrooms and adventures. Today she wanted to go outside and play, although it is quite cold. She told me: "I heard a fairy's calling. She wants to teach me a magical song". 

So she went outside. I hardly convinced her to take her wooly sweater to keep her warm. She only accepted because she loves all things natural, and all things blue :)

 ..little embroidered mushrooms...

She is nice and naughty, sweet and playfull...she is exactly like childhood should be. She likes to play outside, to run free and to be hugged in the evening.

She wants to travel far away and see the world. To make a little girl happy, and to be her best friend forever.

 Goodby, my naughty princess, and never grow up! Remember that childhood must be innocent and the innocence must be protected. Remember to play and to dream. Never lose your kind smile and teach everybody around you the power of kindness!

Monday, December 2, 2019


"I hope you believe in yourself as much as I believe in you"

Meet Fiona. She is kind and trustworthy, she wants to bring joy into the world and teach everybody around her about the power of a smile.

She likes all that is green, fresh and alive - grass, leaves, pinecones...

Her favourite colours are yellow and red. And green, of course. Always green :)

She wears her warm wooly sweater and hat. She is ready for a walk outside, in the crisp fresh air.  Let's join her! Let's go in an adventure!

Tim Loralen- the little elf

Meet Tim Loralen. He is a little elf, and he is the Forest-Keeper. He whispers in my ear:

"Fairytales live in the woods".

In this case, my little boy, let's go outside! Let's walk the walk, and listen to the forest.  The trees bring peace ...and fairies :)

Tim Loralen is ready for a new adventure...he will be traveling far away very soon, to see a new world and meet new friends. He looks at me with his innocent eyes and smiles: "There is beauty everywhere around us, you just have to look around you".

"I want to embrace the whole world!"

Well then, my precious, if you must leave, be so kind and take your warm sweater. It has the buttons made from little branches from your back garden. It will remind you that you were created to bring joy and happiness, and to nurture the innocence of childhood.

I know you are ready to leave. Goodbye, Tim Loralen! May the good wishes of the world be with you. For you are special in this world, you carry positive vibes to your new home. Farewell, and make sure you tell your stories about the Forest to your new friend! 

Posy the Joy-Keeper

„Vulpea: Tu nu eşti încă pentru mine decât un băieţaş, aidoma cu o sută de mii de alţi băieţaşi. Iar eu nu am nevoie de tine. Şi nici tu n-ai nevoie de mine. Eu nu sunt pentru tine decât o vulpe, aidoma cu o sută de mii de alte vulpi. Dar dacă tu mă îmblânzeşti, vom avea nevoie unul de altul. Tu vei fi, pentru mine, fără seamăn în lume. Eu voi fi, pentru tine, fără seamăn în lume…”(Micul Print)
Ea este Posy. S-a pregatit indelung, cu grija, pentru a deveni fara seaman in lume, pentru micuta ei prietena. Poarta in ea grija si tandrete, iubire fata de natura si gingasia copilariei. Nu vrea decat sa se joace. Sa ajute la pastrarea inocentei copilariei, si a sclipirilor fericite din ochi de copil. 

  E micuta. Doar putin mai mare decat un con de brad. Dar e creata doar din bine. Din vise, iubire, tandrete.

Hai la joaca, micuta mea!
Sa ne jucam de-a copilaria! Avem conuri, frunze, pietricele. Tu ai o caciulita grozava. Am putea ascunde o pietricica in ea.  Eu am un fular...e mai incapator! Te poti ascunde si tu in el. Hai la joaca! Ne asteapta o adevarata aventura!

 Hai la joaca, micuta mea! M-ai mai sunt doar o vulpe...


"As soon as I saw you I knew that a grand adventure was about to happen" (Winnie the Pooh)

Paige took her colourful rainbow dress and a warm scarf, and invited her little friend, Mr. Mouse, to go together in a grand adventure. She wants to see the big, big world.
Go, my dearest one, the life is but a great adventure!

Let's join her, shall we? The adventure awaits :)


"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it" (Roald Dahl).

Molly believes in magic. And she is ready to show the magic of free play to her new friend. She likes to walk outside, to play with the leaves and to sing silly little songs. 
She never leaves swithout her little friend, the Reindeer. Her favourite colours are blue and red and she loves apple pie.

Meet Molly:

Always believe in magic! For it is all around us :)

Bine ai venit, August! ~ Curgere cu anotimpurile~

Știu.  Au trecut 4 ani de când nu am mai scris aici. Ani lungi și totuși scurți, plini și uluitori, ani din viața mea.  Cărarea se așterne, ...